Thursday, February 23, 2012

All on Mardi Gras Day

Mardi Gras, Mardi Gras. my feelings for you can be so complex. After many under my belt, I have grown more comfortable with our relationship. Years ago, my first Mardi Gras was spent behind a chain link fence at Lee Circle with a bunch of drunk tourists. My leather jacket got stolen right off my arm. Let's just say I was underwhelmed.

It's interesting how my experience is different every year, even my attitude. Some years, I am all about the Mardi Gras. other years, it's nice to get a few extra days off and relax at home while the masses clamor for cheap beads. This year, I just did the major parades, for me anyway. Next year, I might bump Muses and go see the new all-girl krewe on Wednesday night, Nyx.

-Krewe de Vieux, I like the satire but some of the raunchy stuff this year just wasn't really funny or clever. I blame myself for standing at the uninspired corner of Elysian Fields and Royal.

-Muses. Hmm, Teresa Anderson singing in a giant floating goose was pretty cool and I always like to see the all-girl marching groups. But I think this one has gotten less amusing as well, and they're getting stingy with the throws.

-Endymion. Slightly soggy but fun anyway, we just walked over in our rain boots and hung out on our old corner. Throws were plentiful and it wasn't too crowded.

-Zulu. I actually don't care about parades, although that may not seem self-evident from what I've already written in this post. I should say, I don't care about the floats so much or the throws but I LOVE the marching bands; sadly,they always seem to take a break wherever I catch them. It's my curse. So I didn't really care to catch Zulu on Mardi Gras day, that day, for me, is reserved for walking around the Quarter/Marigny and taking in all the incredible costumes. But we ended up there anyway, we went to watch the parade on N. Robertson and Basin, in the Treme. We stood just feet away from Kermit Ruffins, who kept playing riffs on his trumpet to catch the attention of the people on the floats. Cheap trick. After the parade, we bought some gumbo and yaka mein from a woman on her front porch. Ben's gumbo kicks her ass but the yaka mein broth was stupendous. Then we walked home down and took a hammock nap together in the glorious, late afternoon sunlight.

-What I missed most about MG this year: Goddamnit, I didn't eat any fried chicken from Popeye's and everyone knows that's a Mardi Gras staple.

-New tradition for MG this year: Shrimp and grits for breakfast. That's a good way to start the day off right. Just make sure you make the grits right before you serve them so they don't harden up.

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